Friday, February 10, 2006

One for the weekend

It has been a rather eventful week. Much accomplished, with still so much more to be done.

Yesterday was interesting. I ended the day with a few drinks at “The T” over in Bangsar with a few friends (boys), and the conversation took a very businesslike overtone; and I decided to make myself scarce. I headed over to Friendsters (corny!) and met another friend (girl) and obviously this time it had the needed ingredients of a nice evening out. Chatting away about nothing, sharing why men sucks, and why women sucks even more as the entrĂ©e, and moving along to bitching about some common friends I feel relaxed already. Although, I don’t get to talk much, I do enjoy the listening. And it also gives me something to blog about, so what the heck!

I spent the week shuttling about town looking for a suitable location to house our team, finishing the necessary documentations that are often required to start a business, and sandwiched a few client meetings in between these times. All in all, a lot of good fun. The undulating feeling between, euphoria and freaking out, is something that I have begun to get used to. It is just the way it is. Some days will be good, others bad, or perhaps if I am lucky - mediocre.

One of the irritating manias I have to go through nowadays is listening to the thousand advices that people are so eager to give to a newbee entrepreneur wannabe.

Everyone! From the Mak Cik Nasi Lemak all the way to the MD of a few listed companies and MNCs. Hey! Don’t get me wrong, this boy appreciates all the help he can get (ie money, purchase orders, or large contracts even). But to spend an hour listening to all the lingering stories about how difficult it was for you back in the days; like listening to a war veteran talking about a war they wished they had, and making up the rest to stretch a ten minutes story into a more fulfilling hour – I’m sorry, this boy have heard it all before. In fact I could tell it for you and save you the trouble. Note to Self: Advice Overload Alert.

If I do listen to all the stories, I may end up either so freaked out that I would do nothing or so overconfident that I would most definitely make a stupid unforced error. So best to keep to myself, smile, listen politely just like mom said, and try to excuse myself as soon as I see an opening. Mom would be proud. What a good boy she raised.
So here we are, on a Friday looking at a weekend.

I am thinking of playing golf. I think Golf Addix is in town. Will give him a call, and shall be looking for Zuhri too. Need one more ball.

As for tonight?

Will be fun. I have plans for Luna Bar, and after that just hopping around depending where the friends are, and I am actually already thinking of the Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. The place stinks to high heaven, but has heavenly food. Will “tapau”.

So here’s Zed checking out for the week. Be good boys and girls okay - don’t drink and drive.

Picture from Postsecret