Monday, November 21, 2005

So. What kind of blogger are you?

The Nosy Bloodhound
You spend all your time nosing around the blog and poop comments like a dog with a bad case of diarrhea. Very much like the bloodhound, you are eager to please. Almost any blogger would know who you are as your comments appears almost on every blog they drop by. You are too lazy to blog so you make some inconsequential entries and are very happy being superficial. Sometimes something good do strike and your post is left standing longer then an ostrich’s head hidden in the sand. Only when you hit about sixty or seventy comments on your blog then you plug your head out, take a deep breath, and post a new entry. However, as work sometimes get in the way, your comments get shorter with a quick “hello” and “nice entry” posted in blogs that you mark as your territory. However you are a very necessary part of the blog eco-system else most of the blogs out there will be left unvisited and uncommented. Most bloggers welcome you and will notice you missing if you stop blogging for a few days.

The Timid Mouse
You blog but you are very afraid of making any remarks that disclose who you are that your entries becomes more cryptic then the heliography left behind by the ancient Egyptians. Often you ramble about how pissed you are and such entries are abound in your blog. You seek attention yet give none. However when you do wander around the blog you leave caring comments and often provide solutions to problems that didn’t even exist. Your blogs are updated sparingly and is completely up to your whim and fancy. Sometimes when people leave a criticizing comment you get upset, yet you publish your thoughts on the internet right out in the open and expect everyone to agree?

The Rowdy Frog
You write and you comment A LOT! You are a classic case of a blogaholic. You put tabloids to shame with your stories and constant chatter. People look forward to your entries and wish for your comments, often writing and hoping that you will drop by and craft some witty anecdotes. However as the extreme-mania tend to fizzle away so does your enthusiasm and your fire often is short lived by the fact that you can’t sustain new ideas and your blogs get lame and you feel that you no longer are able to provide groundbreaking new entries. You then die a slow excruciating death as you lose the will to blog and one day you will be left in blog-land as just another has been. You fear this day and continue to churn entries wringing every ounce of brain matter left.

The Lost Hippo
You are neither here nor there. Usually you are a blogging new-bee and have not figured out the ropes. You may end up a as a Rowdy Frog or a Nosy Bloodhound but for now you are enjoying the pleasure of just blog hoping once in a while and sometimes when something really interest you, you post a short and quick little note. Your friends are bloggers and you want to fit in. However you are unsure if you have what it takes to post entries after entries and seventy percent of you just give up and will become a casualty of the blog-war. However, once you have figured out the way-of-the-blog it will be very difficult to stop you and you shall be a blogger to reckon with!