Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I hope you enjoy the ride!

If life was so short, then why do we bother so much?
Zed Ezekiel

If I had to choose between the roller coaster ride of life and the one way ticket on a train going straight into the ground with the path of life all planned and executed, I would have to admit that the train is obviously an attractive option. I would love to be able to say that we could plan for life. We could save money, we could build our dream home, or buy the car that we lust for. But here is the deal, irregardless of how well we plan, how trouble-proof our blueprint for life is – life will throw you about nonetheless.

I have always thought that I got into the roller-coaster, as if I had a choice and I chose to hop into the ride and take on the climbs and drops of life. Alas, I was a fool to believe that I had the luxury of choice. How arrogant of me. We could plan all we want, but then life will throw a spanner in the works, and our well laid out plans will be topsy-turvy just as it was meant to be.

No, I didn’t ask for the ride, it was forced upon me.

There I was minding my own business bustling along just like everyone else, and then it came, swoop me into a loop; and expects me to smile while it drops me a hundred feet into a twirl leaving my heart hanging in my throat. We never know when the ride is going to be, but I know for certain that every climb has a drop. As we face our demons, we often think that it is the biggest challenge of our life, well tell that to the people in Pakistan whose children was crushed by crumbling buildings, how about that boy in Iraq who was beaten because he looked scary, or the friend of yours who has everything he ever wanted in the world except for a child of his own, or the little twelve years old cousin who lost her parents in an accident? We all have our own rides, it may differ in magnitude but to each and every one of us it is our reason to bitch and rant about.

I personally think that we should continue to rant. It is a very healthy way of bringing to light our own issues, and perhaps out in the open we will realize that it wasn’t such a big deal after all.

Often as I sit across a person, looking into their eyes and trying to seek what is it that makes them tick, I envy the superficial beings the most. How beautiful life must be for them. Oh my make-up is smudged, my shoes is dirty, my PDA is bigger then your PDA, my car is faster then your car, oh how beautiful to be able to equate life to immaterial wealth and beauty. This would have made life so much less complicated. How I wish I could just take this head of mine off, give it a good kick and put it back on minus the thoughts that constantly whirl around asking never ending questions.

Life can be superficial, and superficial is good. It is simple. It is quick and dirty. It has a beginning and an end.

But with such a naive view of life, I ask myself where is the color? Where is the depth that brings to bear the notion of god? Of good and evil? Of leadership and substance? Of love and hate? Of caring for someone so much that one would sacrifice a lifetime, just to be a part and never apart?

Where would all these be if life was about this shiny new watch? I beseech my self for my callousness in seeking the shallow waters of life, and as tempting as it is just be rich and vain, I need more. All the wealth I have, the house, the car and the blinking goods have not silenced the questions ringing constantly in my head. It wasn’t about what I have to show apparently, it was about not showing what I have. It was about humility. It was about being subservient to a being much greater then my mind could ever comprehend.

No, I didn’t choose the roller coaster after all. The roller coaster chose me.