Thursday, December 15, 2005

Top 10 Signs: You know you've run out of stuff to blog about...

10. You think Blogthings is the next best thing to sliced bread
9. You start tweaking with your blog to change its look and layout
8. You start blogging about your childhood days
7. You blog about other blog
6. You dig out old meme/tags and finally get to doing it
5. You wished someone actually tagged you before!
4. You post lyrics
3. You post incoherent short entries or say that you are on a break
2. You start to think that there is more to life then blogging

And... Number 1 on the Top Ten Signs You know you've run out of stuff to blog about is!!!

Still scrolling?

1. Your post is about "You know you've run out of stuff to blog about..."
and you slap people's cartoon in-between to fill in the blanks!