Monday, December 19, 2005

I want it all

Yes, the cake, eating the cake, and having my unfair share of the cake too. All of it. In fact you should too! The mediocrity of being in the middle, being the good guy, being the one that gives in is lost in the glory of greed that is cheered on by the masses of our society. The man that spends his day making an honest living from dusk to dawn, barely breaking bread for his family, living at the mercy of what his government and his employers decide upon is nothing but a life of peasant-hood jeered by some, booed by others. They call him lazy, they call him a loser, yes they call him many names while he persists that he is contented with life, and they sympathized with his complacency.

No we want to watch more then that. We want to watch a man fight odds well beyond him, win or lose it doesn’t matter as long as it is something worth watching.

So what if a man takes the easy way out? There isn’t anything fun there. We want a man to fight on with his arms torn off, his legs bleeding profusely and an arrow stuck to his back. We want to see this man battle his enemies even if it seemed all but hopeless, and for some of us we want him to win.

Alas, not all of us though. Many amongst us would like to see a man fight a good fight and fall, such is the dark nonchalant spirit we bear within us. Too many of us are too critical of others that we forget, that someone is watching us too. While we watch the man swing his axe, and takes upon blow after blow, we forget that we too are a pawn in another man’s game. We too are being manipulated like puppets on a string for the amusement of others.

So perhaps the question that begs to be answered is, while we watch another man battle his life away, what battles are we fighting and who is watching us? In light of this, I have decided that it is finally time to join the foray.

To jump into anarchy and seek cornucopia.

I am determined to fight an unfair battle, with an unfair advantage and seek an unfair slice and leave fairness to the suckers. Let them rot in their ideal dreams, while I plunder this land, and take well beyond what I need. Now at least, I know which battles I will fight, and why I am fighting for it.

It takes a big man to measure his pursuits beyond what the eyes could see, far into the realms of heaven and hell, as for most of us the chase ends here, and yes over here - good guys do finish last.

  1. A goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity. Also called horn of plenty.
  2. Greek Mythology. The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired.
  3. A cone-shaped ornament or receptacle.
  4. An overflowing store; an abundance: a cornucopia of employment opportunities.