Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No you are not lost, just audacious

How often have we been in a position where we suddenly realized that we don’t know what we are doing, not sure where we are, or perhaps just suddenly confused with all our bearings? I have been rather cryptic in the last few entries, and as Jo mentioned “You seem as though you're going through a phase of reflection this time of year, ey?” and also according to Rostam “Zed, u r beginning to write like MIV”.

Well this is no coincidence.

I am reflective, and I have been attempting to hide behind the cloak of cryptic allusions, however when I began to read what I have written I realized that some of the joy from what really is happening is taken out. Well, such is the price of a blog. Amongst close friends over a few drinks, perhaps even a game of Pictionary over at La Bodega, much more could be shared and the tête-à-tête of the evening would be just a tad more lively.

However, on these pages it would suffice to say that much is happening.

Often as we embark on a venture, we lose the dependable charted maps that have guided us well over the years. What was once taken for granted is no longer at our fingertips. The worn out assumptions we used to make, and decisions that was based on dealings that haven’t really changed over the years are no longer trustworthy.

I was having this chat with my very good friend and business partner yesterday as we sat in the Jacuzzi at the Andana Spa in the new Holiday Inn over at Glenmarie. By the way, I would recommend this spot to everyone, it is available to both sexes, has a very open ambience and allows everybody to mingle in its centre lounge – complete with VIP Rooms. A good place to unwind along with clients, and does not have any of the dodgy character often associated with the word Spa nowadays.

We spoke of many things, some about our plans, some about the new beginnings, and some about the needless need to know exactly what is going to happen. Yes, when you jump into anarchy head first, sometimes one would not want to know too much. We would rather let circumstance dictate the course of action that ensues. So now with so little to hang on, and so much to plunder we wondered what would hold us together? I believe that in the chaos of mutiny, war, and the pursuit of one’s dreams taking out the rusty Moral Compass may perhaps be the only defense from losing one’s way.

In each of our endeavors, the guiding philosophy between right and wrong lies in simple bearings once taught to us a long time ago. I believe that within each and everyone of us lies a clear distinction between good versus evil, hence as long as we remain true to the north of good and steer away from the south of evil the journey will chart its own course.

As we spent the rest of the evening over a few games of pool, and a Japanese dinner which I would not recommend, we were subdued by the fact that we will have to live with the uncertainties of what lies ahead, and leverage on our collective capabilities of what we leave behind. So even if the feelings feels like being lost, one simply have to earn one’s right to be audacious as one faces the anarchy of altercations.