Thursday, October 20, 2005

Men are from Manjoi and Women are from Pulau Tikus

Don’t waste your money.

It was probably the title that got the book all the attention. (Zed’s Note: The real book please… If you don’t know the actual title, just stop reading) As far as the contents of the book is concerned? A bunch of mumbo jumbo about trying to create a logical view of men and women.

No this entry is not about a book review, it’s about me being awake at 3.30am again and am just banging away at my keyboard with no apparent reason, beyond putting these words together and perhaps making some sense at the end of it.

Men and women are different. This is a fact. However, most of the difference stem not from the sexual disposition of the two genders, but from the selfish need of self preservation and ego. That’s it.

You may disagree. Why? Because you see it as your prerogative. Because you are a women and you believe in the values that you deem is your right. So do us men. Well guess what? The only reason we believe that we have rights is because of our own insecurities and our own need to cling to the notion of love and relationship. Is there a rule in relationships? What keeps two person together? Trust? Marriage? A piece of certificate? Grow up.

Beyond your own selfish reasons that you have to be with your partner, husband, wife (whatever) there are no other logical explanations. You don’t think so? Think about it. You are with her because she looks hot and makes your friends envy and you look cool – ego perhaps? Or maybe you’ve been married so long that you have put on a bit too much of a love handle that now it’s actually the whole bag (rather then just the handle) so going back into circulation may not be the best move. How about him? He pays the bills. You pout and gets the new hand phone that you want. He is willing to part with his cash to continue being there for you – self preservation?

Don’t get me wrong here - yes there is love. But it’s a verb not unlike eat, drink, jump or even sleep. It’s an action that you choose, not an ambiguous random event that you think it is. So you can choose to love - and defend that reason with all the notions of how he treats you, how good looking he is or even how smart and cultured he is. However inevitably you choose to love because he gives you what you need. Unless someone else comes along and is able to give you more, he stays. Atrocious? No; it’s just survival of the fittest.

It ensures the best chance for your own future and your progeny.

So now we get back to the idea that men and women are from some distant planet trying to coexist. What makes it work? To address the need of self preservation and pride two possibility exist.

The first possibility is fulfilling one’s own needs. If he gets what he wants and she gets what she needs equilibrium exists and a relationship is formed. However if he or she thinks that they can do better? Well, need I say more? It starts with a small tiff, then escalates into minor arguments and finally its – let’s just be friends.

Oversimplified you say?

When was the last time you broke up and why? My bet? You will say because he's a jerk but have you wondered why he's behaving that way? Maybe he wants you to think that he is a jerk so he could move on. And how about her? Did she dump you for no apparent reason at all? Are you sure?

Do I have all the answers? Of course not! I just can't sleep and have nothing better to do and Astro keeps repeating the same damn shows. Go figure.