Monday, October 24, 2005

You know you have OD'ed on Blogging

Yes. You Overdosed.

When you start to develop the following symptoms it is safe to say that you have overdosed and now it is time for you to seriously take a break from the bloggerholic addiction you have.

When you start to remember the details of each of the blogs you frequently visit and know exactly the contents of the last entry, since you’ve clicked on it so many times and they haven’t updated their blogs yet! (Zed’s Note: Ehem… hint! hint!)

When your favorites list in Explorer is two pages long with a whole list of bloggers and it takes you at least two hours to go through every one of them, which you religiously do every morning.

When every free-time you have is dedicated to browsing blogs, trying to sound funny or smart when you insert comments and when your boss asks a favor you curse and say that it will take you a week to get anything done because you are so busy! (Zed’s Note: Yeah right, busy blogging?)

When you start checking your stats counter, more often then the Bursa Malaysia’s index and the last time you read the newspaper was three months ago.

When you start using bombastic words that you normally would not use like “hoi polloi” and “trabadour”, and when asked what it means you respond by raising your eyebrows in surprise and say “What? You never heard of it? Where have you been? You don’t blog izzit?? You HAVE to check out this site…”

When you start passing out blog-links to unaware “victims” hoping they too will turn into Bloggerholics like you!

When you start doing what people tell you to do on the blog like taking a drive to One Utama just to have spaghetti at Italiennes when you didn’t have a crave for it in the first place.

When you actually imagine that your next relationship must be with a blogger so you could tell the whole world about how you met on the blog and share all your mushy blog entries with people whom you think cares about your love affair. (Zed’s Note: Much like watching the F1’s we are NOT interested in the race, just the wrecks! So it’s when you are breaking up that your hits would go up as you bitch and rant about how much you hate the idea of getting a date via blogs! Else, we are on wait mode *evil grin while rubbing hands* heh heh heh)

When you start solving your problems during work by asking yourself “Hmmm… I wonder what Zed would do when he’s faced with this problem” (Zed’s Note: Heh heh heh sorry, a bit “perasan mode” here!!!)

When you start taking notes of what people are wearing and what you are eating so that you could update your blog with more useless blab that you hope people would write comments about and survive one more day with one more mind-numbing entry.

When you start ranting about blogging overdose.

When you rant about blogging overdose and still hope people would drop a comment and you hope that you have witty replies for them

When you actually start to think that you are witty!

Okay, okay enough already! I admit I HAVE BLOGGING OVERDOSE!!!

So now, after failing my rehabilitation program miserably, I shall have to contain myself and try to manage my addiction. I have tried TV therapy that failed, Retail therapy is dangerous what with Raya just around the corner, food therapy ain’t gonna work with fasting and all. Also unable to do much outdoor activities due to the fear of getting thirsty and end up not being able to fast - so no walking or jogging in the morning, very minimal golf and “almost” no night outs. Well, it will be a rough few weeks ahead I am sure, but as I look forward to more ranting days ahead; I tell myself so what if I blog too much?

The only harm that could come out of it is that I start talking to myself in the middle of a crowded LRT station as I imagine the last blog I visited… “Phew the babe’s picture was hot! She writes well too…I wonder if she’ll give me her number?”.
Oops, sorry there I go thinking out loud again.