Friday, October 14, 2005

The tri-cycle of life

No I wasn't referring to the one with wheels.

I again made the mistake of thinking, and now am stuck with this thought that I have to get out of my head. It may be depressing. It's about death; and death is depressing. Proceed with care and I hope you gain the insight that may have eluded me. Depending on when death strikes there are three different circumstance. Often we see this in different perspective, but what if we look at what we lose and who mourns the lost? Three different times in one lifetime and we are faced with the same question.

If I die, whose lost will it be?

You are too treasured to lose
At the prime of youth – full of hope and eager to live. Nobody wants to lose you. They love you and provide you with all the tender loving care that you deserves. You are bright and when you run afoul they say you are naughty not evil, and when you cry they dry your tear. Your smile brightens their day and when you walk into the room, you light up everyone’s day. If you die, they will say what a lost! She was so young and beautiful with her entire life ahead of her.

Oh! What a lost! What a tragedy!

I have too much too lose
Precious children, you look into their eyes and realize that you need them more then they need you. You just moved into you dream house and drive around in your favorite car. You excel at work, and while they may not be appreciative of you but you know your stuff and get things done. You know they all need you. Life is great, while it may suck when you don’t get what you want, but you have more then most others out there. You are not begging, you have more food then you need and in the eyes of your child you are the whole world to them.

You don’t want to die. You want to live forever.

They just wish you get lost
As they sit by your bed and say that they pray for you to get well soon. They cry in front of you, and show you that they are really sad. They tell you how brave you are and how so and so recovered from exactly the same malady that effects you. They take a towel and wipe the sweat off your forehead. They hold your hand and cry. Then they leave your room. They tell each other that you have suffered long enough perhaps it is best that you die. Yes die!

They forget their tears and start catching up on the latest gossip in the family. There sometimes even are laughter creeping through and maybe you can hear this from your bed. You lie weak and hope that you can actually give them their wish – and die.

Remember, you will die. We all do.



ZR said...

We dont know when we'll die. That is God's doing.

But we can prepare for it.

For me, I make sure all my debts can be fully paid for with my insurance, EPF whatnots. I dont want to burden my parents, even after I die. (Taknak la orang kate nyusahkan orang tue, though I know my parents would never say that)

And make sure bawak bekalan akhirat seadanya. I know I'm not that pious, but I try.

And live everyday as if there's no tomorrow. Enjoy life to da max!

You're right. You got me depressed.

kepala_angin said...

all roads in life lead to one destination kan.

Pojan said...

I'm guilty of situation no 3 once. I told someone perhaps it was better for her sister to 'go'. Her sister suffered so much. She got cancer. Final stage. The sis didn't even recognize the family members anymore. It was painful to see her like that. Perhaps i was being selfish. Now you got me thinking, who says that being dead is better? Nobody knows better than God. Who am I to suggest that it's better for someone to be dead just because I can't stand seeing them suffered. Selfish me.

ok, now I'm disturbed by this revelation.

Leen AshBurn said...

I was in coma in 2000 where the doctor told my parents that I had less than 10% chances of survival. Miraculously - I can only think of kuasa tuhan and doa family and friends, I am still here now :-).

Thing is, why question? When it comes it comes. Just make sure we're all prepared for it aje lah. It's beyond my means to think beyond that methinks.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

never too soon, never too late.

Inn said...

To die will be an awfully big adventure -peter pan-

ditto leen. when it comes, it comes.

Zed said...


thanks for sharing your thoughts =) this entry was written because i was struck by the sheer number of people dying as i was watching the news.

it's interesting how we all react to death. but what strikes me as the strongest emotion as i face the death of loved ones is the feeling of helpless-ness. you are helpless against death. there is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent death.

so as most of you mentioned, when we die - we die. the real question is have we prepared ourselves for the inevitable?

thanks again for dropping a comment =)

Zed said...

btw leen, am glad you made it! 10%? hmmm... that was a close call.

hi pojan,

we all have been guilty of the same thoughts at some point or other... sad but true.

Zed said...

its meant to silent... sorry =( but with death comes sadness. inevitable.

D.N.A.S said...

When we have to go.... we have to go.

Zed said...

hmmm... honestly? i am scared. scared of the helpless-ness and of the ramifications of this life - so help me god.