Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The ZED-HXM4000 Series 2.0 User's Manual

User Installation and Maintenance Documentation
ZED-HXM4000: Humanoid Male

Thank you for your purchase of the state of the art ZED-HXM4000 Series 2.0 or ZED for short.

ZED is an advanced model of a long series of homosapien males which have been produced over several versions to-date. The following is a quick summary for the installation and maintenance of the ZED unit. For your continuous pleasure and ease of maintenance, we strongly recommend that you read the manual carefully before usage of the product.

Manufactured by G.O.D (General Opus Division)

System Design Specifications:
- User Friendly
- Self Cleaning (Depending on Mode Selection)
- Energy Saving Standby Mode When Not In Use
- Self Portable Operation
- Highly Efficient if properly motivated
- Bi-directional Audio Input/Output
- Prefers Output over Input, and has a 2 megawatt Input suppression capability
- Heat seeking capability for hot CHICKS is pre-installed
- Systems are incapable of high doses of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine
- Low Anger Management Control and may need cooling off period if exploded
- Pleasure senses are highly developed and is capable of going for hours if properly maintained

Production Details:
After basic construction, the unit undergoes six weeks of onside HOME programming and burn-in testing. Listed features are installed during this period. Since G.O.D uses local suppliers, there may be variations between units. G.O.D quality assurance may reject inferior units. However, users may sometimes salvage rejected units, and this is subject to their own precautions. All rejected units have no warranty coverage and is repaired on best efforts basis only.

Beware of clones or wannabes. These may violate import restrictions.

Installation Procedures:
Upon receiving the ZED unit, the user should examine the unit to verify that all I/O channels are operational. Look for minor bugs in or on the system. Bugs are indicative of the local supplier production environment. The user may manually remove any bugs.

Bring the ZED unit to operation in an environment temperature at 27º C (± 3 º tolerance). Use a quiet room with the primary user(s) present.

ZED is a highly complex system which has the ability to relate and interact with its environment and is both an active and passive learner. It is equipped with a neuron net which is able to produce loud noises when excited and will sometimes shut-down due to increased heat, too much interference from a competing model or a due to presence of a WOMEN unit.

The Operating System of ZED have been optimized to operate within the domain of a WOMEN, however it requires periodical ALONE time to operate efficiently. It shall make bored faces and looks of incredulity if expected to do any HOUSE chores and will retaliate if pushed too far. Several ZED units have been terminated due to this error.

At present, there are few productivity software applications for the current ZED model. Future enhancements can be expected as the unit is stabilized.

WISEASS is a killer app. This is pre-installed.

Many owners use their ZED unit for completing complex tasks or to kill boredom. ZED units play best when they are fed. Due to various models of WOMEN available the ZED capabilities have been tuned to meet most requirements. Some ZED capabilities are:

The ZED unit has this ability incorporated into its design and will hunt for WORK when necessary to ensure continued interest by WOMEN

The standard parameter for the ZED unit is to want to have SEX with all WOMEN that it finds attractive based on its default factory settings. Training and control is required to ensure that the ZED unit is not jumping on all chicks.

Usually after SEX (often almost immediately!)

Place the unit in front of an audience and it shall automatically TALK. To shut it up, introduce a very good looking WOMEN and it usually will run out of things to say.

The ZED unit have been programmed for most foods, however will have problems digesting vegetables and drinking milk.

ZED will self-recharge. This takes 6 to 8 hours in a 24 hour cycle. However insomnia attacks is a common occurence and is fixed with either SEX or TV.

The ZED units are self cleaning and require little user maintenance. Do not clean the unit with alcohol or benzine-based solvents. This may lead to a violent explosion.

Do not attempt to open a ZED unit. There are no user serviceable parts inside. If a unit emits strange smells or sounds, it should be serviced immediately by a DOC.

Warning Notices:
ZED systems are user-friendly. However, in certain documented situations, it may befriend just about any good looking chicks especially if under the influence of alcohol. Be prepared to drag the ZED unit to HOME and allow it to reboot. Attempts to lecture the unit will only result in over-heating, the best approach is to leave several sarcastic remarks and allow it to recharge.

ZED units are very hot under the hood and requires frequent shutdown to allow for cooling off periods. Ignore the ZED unit during this period.

If the ZED unit looks depressed do not attempt to CHEER the unit, usually this will only end up in childish laughter with no real effect. Ask the ZED unit what is wrong, and carefully analyze if special care is required. Failing which revert to SEX mode and this would often solve all the bugs.

Do not forget to feed your ZED unit. Major errors may occur due to a hungry ZED unit attempting to operate within its normal parameters. Some say that the way to a ZED heart (if applicable) is through its stomach. So keep your ZED unit well fed.

Lifetime Warranty:
The ZED unit is guaranteed against catastrophic failure. However as users have the ability to infect ZED, nocturnal errors voids the standard warranty.

Documented Problems:
The Ctrl key on most ZED units is defective. This may lead to serious performance problems.

Do not install a CHICK unit at a site which has an operational ZED unit working. The ZED unit may be distracted and all productivity will drop.

The ZED unit has a wandering EYE problem. It is best to just ignore it, there is no patch for this problem yet.

The ZED unit has the ability to prowl at night so unless SEX is introduced, the unit will turn on its AUTO-HUNT feature and users will have very little control over the unit.

There have been cases of ZED units which has run afoul and executed a BYTE on the neck of its users, please select this feature carefully. It may leave lasting marks.

Contacting ZED Technical Support
Our highly trained technicians are ready to help you. As soon as they wake up from their nap
submit your Requests for enhancement (RFE), etc. Remember: it's not a bug, it's a user change request. In fact just don't bother sending in your complaints: just like your ZED unit, our technicians won't pay attention either.

We hope that your purchase of the ZED unit is satisfactory and be prepared for the future release of the ZED-HXM5000 which will incorporate complete understanding of WOMEN as a standard feature.


Anonymous said...
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Zed said...

well... just consider the SPAM free advertisement. i am trying to live with it for a while, unless anyone has any suggestion that does not involve word verification.

going into EAT mode...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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Good luck to you and if you are totally not into these things I am sorry to have bothered you.

Regards Marcel.

Zed said...

OMG! Screw the spam! Verification ON!

Pojan said...

ahahahha.. my god, spam is having a feast with your comment box. hahah.

Wahhhh.. so rajin to do the whole ZED HXM user's manual issit? Just curious, had any buyer yet? Testimonials and reviews from other users would be good for marketing part.

Leilanie said...

Wah.... you so rajin, one-lah, Zed.
I'm not too well now to digest the entire manual but once I start kicking, I'll get right at it, OK.

p/s :
Scanning thru it, I tag it as a must-read. :)

p/p/s: I'll be back !
(saying it with an Austrian accent)

fade0 said...

Zed sounds like the ultimate robot. does it come in a different gender? or is there a gender switch button somewhere on ZED.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

need the quotation, and please advise on how to make purchase.


L. Halim said...

Whoa.. I never read a user manual before.. this ZED thing sounds cool
but I can't find the price tag!
How much per unit?

kepala_angin said...

i usually just chucked out the manuals after checking out the relevant sections. hehehe..

ku E said...

same here kepala_angin ;)

Angel Eyes said...

err.. where can i buy this one sir?


madnessinvain said...

Again, screw the manuals. I read porn and blogs only. Hahahahaa.

Thats a cool write up mate.

Zed said...

hi pojan,

a ZED-HXM4000 brochure will be sent you soonest possible, however it is important to note that this model is a limited edition and have just finished trial runs. expect some instability heh heh...

hi leilanie,

hope you get well soon! clarinase is my drug of choice for stuffy nose =)

hey fade0,

DEFINITELY no gender switch on the ZED unit heh heh heh... it was outlawed by the manufacturer years ago =) as for the FEMALE unit it shall be release soon! i heard it has the whole kamasutra manual built in!

Zed said...

hi babe,

i heard there will be a sale of ZED units at IKEA this weekend.

am not sure of its price, usually because of the errors, it's best to wait for the second hand version! it would have most of the bugs sorted out already =)

hi silent,

the second-hand versions of the ZED units have pretty good understanding of WOMEN already =)

however the ZED-HXM5000 version should be off the production line sometime 2007. it takes about a year to complete the R&D, as the unit keeps going out for PARTEES and requires major fixes after each outing.

hi butterflyn,

if you ask previous owners they would say FREE!!! heh heh heh...

hi windy head,

that explains why the ZED units keeps getting patronized every time it heats up! the owners really should check the manual and see the correct fix for this error heh heh.

hi kuE,

i heard they may have a version V of the unit he he he... somewhat more attractive and smarter! =)

selamat berpuasa!

hi sheryL,

one shall be displayed in JB soon. at plaza pelangi i think =)

yo MIV,

i am with you on that dude! hence the need to keep fade0's site handy, all the pix with no guilt so the best of both world! heh heh kidding fade0, kidding! *dush* adoiiihhh he he...

ZR said...

Zed, ni R&D mana ni yang come up with such an amazing product?

And where is it made in again? Made in China? Made in Taiwan? or Made in Kubang Kerian?

p/s: nak jadi technician ZED! Makan gaji buta, I like!

Zed said...

hi berg,

posa? heh heh ZED was designed and manufactured in Kampung Manjoi. however due to a successful launch it was taken over by an MNC which currently operates somewhere in Pulau Pinang... job for technician is wide open, please email your resume! qualifications are optional =)

Angel Eyes said...

pls keep me update ok?

(jz got back from plaza pelangi!)

ku E said...

version V?!! opsss...

Zed is from ipoh mali if i'm not mistaken. hehe...

dudae_simboyo said...


lawaklah spam ni... they were not here a few weeks ago and suddenly...


Leilanie said...

I'm back.......
Interesting piece of work..... is this what happens when puasa month kicks in?
Very creative, Zed. It's so internalised.

I always read manuals ......
(after I plug it in, that is, but before I use it).

With ZED-HXM4000 Series 2.0,
I read only-lah, K.

Clarinase don't work on me no more....
So now, I just spray Afrin up my nose!

Inn said...

nice. i wish there're more units that come with complete manual. i guess it must be where i bought it kot. they dont come with any documentation. tsk.

Zed said...

hi sheryl,

yup! will definitely keep you posted =)

hi kuE,

version V! serious! heh heh heh, am ipoh mali lohh correct, grew up in ipoh garden and kampong manjoi =)

hi dudae_s,

yup! i was surprised... so may move to haloscan soon. no spams there i noticed in most of the users.

hi leilanie,

heh heh i think you are right. it was done while waiting for breaking-fast... must be that low sugar period, and hallucination kicking in!

actually, i am an avid manual reader (sick!)

duly noted he he

i shall be seeking for this Afrin. am also a medic junkie, always on the lookout for the best drugs.

hi inn,

perhaps i shall publish the MALE unit manual. this might be a hit amongst the WOMEN units out there heh heh... but the MALE manual is very short lah, for troubleshooting just follow the following steps;

if still in GRUMPY mode then
2. SEX

if still fails, then repeat until unit smiles.

thats it! heh heh... shallow simpletons aren't we!

D.N.A.S said...

how I wish you are working as Technical Documentor at IBM. Kalau semua manual IBM macam ni sure I berkobar-kobar nak baca.

Zed said...

he he he... that is FUNNY! if i am technical documentor by the time they finish reading the manuals the AS400's will be running WINDOWS! (oops they already do eh?)