Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A blog away

Been going around the Blog a few times, and I noticed two kind of bloggers so far (may be more, but hey a man's gotta work too!).

One basically blogs on a first party basis, and talks about his/her day, point of view and really uses the blog to share or dump their thoughts. This I like, and hope to move this blog in the same direction. The other, is basically a blog in an attempt to write about others, and cries for attention - basically a "hey look at me, I am so cool" kinda blog. I think it's too superficial to last, and loses its novelty after a while.

I don't care if people read my blog or not. I am not here to entertain. I am here to have a blog and share some of my thoughts. Take it or leave - I don't give a hoot.

Anyway, am having a pretty good day today. A lot of work, and expecting more to come. I don't understand why people bitch about work. No work, no money and no money hey we all know where thats gonna lead into. Enjoy work folks, it's between us and death, so might as well get use to it. Okay, okay I don't really enjoy all of my work, but maybe I am that lucky few that has some parts of my job that I actually really do enjoy - and for that I am thankful.

It's only Tuesday by the way, so will update how "work" feels like by Friday!


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