Monday, August 08, 2005

Chill out Joint of the Month

It has been a while. Am getting the hang of blogs, and have to admit it is fun only when you have something to say.

Been going to La Bodega for a while now, and currently it is my "Chill Out Joint of the Month". Good food, good wine, and if you are interested in some action there are enough bars around to walk into (some better then others as you will inevitably find out). However, I like Bodega because it has the ambiance that ignites good conversation.

Seriously, when was the last time you went out with a few friends, and all you wanted to do was just hang out - and chat. Talk about work, relationships, politics, the asshole in the office, and as the night draws on some philosophical views on life and where we are heading (I don't know about you, but this usually happens after 1am, there seems to be a cut-off point and beyond it everyone just turns too damn philosophical).

Maybe it's age, maybe it's just the feeling of having been there and done that, but after a while, all a man wants to do is have his cigar, drink his wine, chat with his friends and of course check out the babes.

Well, was in Bodega last week, had a little bit too much to drink and ended up in Cockpit. It's a theme bar/disco joint which to me is just a big waste of time. It has wannabe written all over it, frequented by the same crowd almost every weekend, irregardless of what theme it has, and could do with better looking waitresses. The promise of stewardesses hanging around just didn't materialize.

Well, next time Loft.

Hey by the way... maybe it's just coincidence, but have you noticed how many couples break up between July/August? I have three friends that just broke-up. Tell me if you know a few, I am just wondering that maybe its just timing. Middle of the year, no breaks to spend time together, away from the holiday blues, everyone is busy at work, and confidence is high. Maybe, just maybe it is a good time to break up.

I came up with what I call the Post Relationship Blues (PRB) when I was chatting with one of my friend that broke up, and this is the period when both sides goes through the cycle of accepting change - Shock, Disbelief, Anger, Grief, Acceptance. I am sure there is a more scientific name, but for now its PRB.

Until one reaches Grief or Acceptance, PRB is high! This is the time when you remember all that good moments, and long term relationships tend to re-ignite as soon as one side crumbles and picks up the phone, send flowers, or even that mushy SMS. Well fellas... hang tight! You broke up for a reason, just make sure that you can live with whatever caused the break-up in the first place, and you will probably have a better relationship. Otherwise, you know where to find me if you are interested in a chat.



Anonymous said...

Like good only. What you need mister is something called life. I am sure you see the same wannabes in La Bogelkah everyday too.. well at least every week. And in terms of safety, is that recommended. Unless you are telling us that you are not married. Well, could be the case huh?

I like the concept of PRB but this is well known lah my friend. Can you not come up with something that is a bit more creative than that? YOu obviously have NOTHING to write but just wanted to talk crap. Given that it is in fact your blog, its your perogative. But do not expect people to come in droves with a site like this.

And what is it about Cockpit that you do not like? You must be one of those wannabes if you seem to KNOW that it has the same crowd every week no? You must like some of those waitresses for you to notice them no? Is it because they do not come to you at all? So now you hate them? Oh come on baby... Mommy.. wait up! See Yah.

Zed said...

heh heh nasty...