Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blog Wanderer

Decided to list out some of the blog I visit on the sidebar.

The following are really popular sites, and we are talking hot! They have comments in the hundreds, and for good reasons too.

Try reading The Datin Diaries, boy this girl can write! I hope she publishes a book one day, it would be a joy to read. However, as a buddy of mine mentioned, one’s writing style is as good as a signature, so if ever she actually launches a book, I am sure it would have that vague resemblance and may let the cat out of the bag. Now would that be hilarious, but if I was her I would be proud. Such a simple site, no graphics and yet it has all the right ingredients right there – in the words.

Then there is Afdlin Shauki, this guy is much funnier on his blog then he is in real life. Definitely a must read. Insightful yet has an after taste that lingers with some humor and sarcastic appeal.

How about Yasmin Ahmad with The Storyteller? This is one of the few sites that has depth beyond words alone. The twist of the language, the way she makes the words dance in a pleasant meaningful manner is way beyond my league.

I am always on the search for a good read (hook me up if you have any!).

Blogging seems to quench this thirst in a manner that doesn’t involve me walking up and down the aisle looking for a good book in MPH. Well, still have to do that sometimes, it’s usually a great way to meet babe with brains!

The other sites are some that gets updated pretty often and are more personal in nature. Wouldn’t want to say much, as most of them are anonymous and I would let you be the judge. As for permission to link sites? I was wondering about this, should I ask before I link? Well, if you don’t like it, just drop me a line and I will take your link out of my blog, else all is fair.

Now, back to get caught up on the good Datin…


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