Thursday, August 18, 2005

Opinions? Dime a Dozen.

Everyone has it, no one cares about yours, and as soon as someone says it, anyone can say it was theirs!

This is life. We have been conditioned by nature and nurture in our own self preservation interest to ensure that we pick the majority. It is a numbers game. Democracy is not an accident, nor was it invented. It is nature's way of ensuring that the weaker minority is diminished, as we are a social animal and requires a good number to survive as a species.

As Gandhi said "A good leader, figures out where everyone is going, and runs ahead of them". This realization struck me many a times as I speak to management, read about politicians, and listen to movers and shakers in the industry. It is also well noted by Malcolm Gladwell in his book, The Tipping Point. When a trend reach critical mass, it begins to tip, and the rate of growth and acceptance will no longer be linear, but in an overwhelming upwards curve.

We are followers. Why? Because it is safe. Because we want to be accepted. Most importantly, it is because we don't want to be wrong and alienated.

So do leaders lead, or do they listen well and simply repeat your opinions? Got a dime?


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