Monday, August 22, 2005

Felicity for you and me

Definitions of felicity:

  1. pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression)
  2. state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
  3. happiness, or rather great happiness, blessedness, blissfulness, appropriately, the joys of heaven
  4. prosperity, blessing, enjoyment of good

That is the word I have been looking for. Felicity. Yes, a single word that describes it all. It is a state of mind, a goal, an ambition, and an end in itself.

Being Monday I have spent the entire day running the day's assignment, and with proposals being due, and demands on some new opportunities - it was quite a stretch. However, I got back on-line and started doing my normal blog-walk and bumped into a couple more interesting sites. Just kept myself busy reading, and downloading emails for a while and thought to myself what I would write about.

I searched for an emotion. One that would be all encompassing. If I had to choose one mode to be stuck in gear with for the rest of my life, and happy just didn’t sound like enough. Then it struck me.

Too many of us spend a lifetime trying to fulfill our dreams and ambitions. We all have our wish list and our need to “keep up with the Joneses”. However sometimes the things you want, also means losing something you have. To just make it just a tad more painful, you don’t realize the price you pay, until you get whatever it is that you want, and realize much too late that you have lost what you already have.

Am I being too deep? I hope not.

To cut a long story short, what I mean is that oftentimes we are engrossed in our pursuit of happiness forgetting that life is but a moment, and the moment is now – as you read this next line, as you shut me down and move on to another more interesting site, as you blink! Now is the moment that you truly have. Tomorrow is but a promise, yet unfulfilled. If you are not happy now, maybe it will be too late tomorrow. Whatever it is that burdens us now, there is a soul out there that hurts more.

Yes my friend felicity is not about changing what you have, but about being thankful with it. Too many of us lead a life of comparisons, searching for who is worst off then us, and how we can be better. Yet we forget, that all we have is blessed - as we get to sleep tonight not having to worry about a bomb blowing in our neighborhoods, or about where we have to find shelter and food tomorrow.

As we seek, we must reflect. I hope I remember this, and as I seek to carve my legacy I hope that when I die they will say – “He was always happy with what he had, and generous with all his heart and wealth”.

A bit too deep perhaps? Well, I do hope felicity visits you and me.


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