Thursday, August 18, 2005

Unanimously Anonymous

I have given this a lot of thought. To share, or not to share. If I tell my buds about the blog, the cloak over Zed is threaten. It is such a thin veil of secrecy, and yet part of me wants to be heard and shared. Well, the decision is henceforth made. I have "marketed" my blog. I told a few friends to drop by, and tell me what they think. To make it work though, I need some housekeeping rules to keep the freedom of speech I currently enjoy.

This will be posted on the sidebar.

Zed's Housekeeping Notes

As long as we keep to these, it will save me time from erasing comments and fixing tag notes. The way I see it, this is my little corner of the world, and you are my guest. I have my role, and hopefully I do it well. I believe that I am here to:

1. Entertain (phew! tall order)
2. Share my experience (hopefully it helps?)
3. Answer your questions (if I can that is)

In return, I hope that you could;

1. Not reveal my name on the blog
2. Go private if you need to (email, please click on my profile)
3. Not take things too seriously, this is supposed to be fun :-)

Well, that's all I have. I hope you enjoy your stay, and I look forward to your thoughts .



Jo said...

Like you, I'm blogging for my own passion to write and vomit my thoughts. Only recently have I moved on to add some sugar and spice, more for my own entertainment and the benefit of my friends who do visit.

Zed said...

I also recently realized how much pleasure I am getting from writing the blogs. This is fun :-) I can see why you keep at it...

And I do enjoy the sugar and spice, just not sophisticated enough to catch up LOL!

Anonymous said...

er... you guys should just talk directly with each other... save the world some storage people!

Zed said...

Anonymous? Not!! Heh heh...