Friday, August 19, 2005

Excuse me. Are you a Model?

Friday at last!

Been a long week, but as I was mentioning to a buddy this morning, ever since I have a blog, the week doesn't seem to just blow away. Instead, because I take some time out to reflect, I have a better sense of time. In essence blogging gives me the comma and full stops within the week. Am taking some time out now, just to insert this quick blog, and hopefully could wrap everything up within the next two hours. After that? Parteeee!!!

Since it is Friday, and I feel like I have earned my time out tonight, it struck me - do women actually ever fall for lines? Seriously! I have heard some horrid lines, and none seems to impress anyone, and the chicks that actually paid any attention would have fallen for the hunk even if he muttered gobbledygook anyway!

How about this one?

Boy: It must have hurt?
Girl: Why?
Boy: Falling from heaven!

Are you puking yet? I get goosebumps just writing it - LMAO!

Well ladies. Please tell me if you have heard any lines worth mentioning, otherwise I am sticking to...

Hello, my name is Zed. How are you?

And if you say something nice, I will perhaps ask if I could buy you a drink :-) Okay folks, enjoy your time out tonight, and please don't drink and drive. It's just not worth it.


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