Monday, August 15, 2005

A brand new week, and feeling great!

Can you tell the difference between a sunrise and a sunset from a pix? I just realized this as I was looking for the picture, both looks the same. Anyway, I felt that feeling good at the beginning of a week, is very much like watching the sun go up. It has sort of a cleansing feeling to it.

Am blogging on the side here, as we are ramping up the team for the week (Note to Self: Better be nice, or you may have a mutiny in your hands!). Had a pretty full weekend. Dentist on Saturday, and she was kind enough not to drill anything this time around. Just the normal scaling, and cleansing. Really have to quite smoking! Give myself to year end. Golf on Sunday, played 89 with only 3 pars and 1 birdie. Could have been much better, maybe a bit nervous as had a couple of VIPs on the flight and I was partnered with one of them. Time to get over this. The fact that I arrived late didn't help matters much.

Lazed around most of Sunday afternoon, finished my book - Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. If you are reading this, I would suggest this be the next book you buy. It has an epiphany like effect, and makes some sense of the bias we go through everyday. Gladwell also wrote The Tipping Point, another bestseller. I have read it, and would recommend it.

Woke up early today and went for a 40 mins jog. Feeling good, perhaps this is why I am in such a cheerful mood. Well, got a long week ahead, and hope that this feel-good moment stays for a while longer.


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