Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Soul Independence

If hell is on earth, I must be in it right now. The last two weeks have been ghastly! Had fires burning on all fronts.

Anyway, such is life. It is interesting that the journey to actualization is plague with experiences one would much rather avoid, but makes those who goes through it a better and stronger person – much like that jab we got in school (yikes!). The tender I was responding to got slightly delayed and is now closing on the 5th of September, rather then today. The folks building the response is obviously just surviving on streams of caffeine. Cranky I tell ya!

Well that is just on one front. As far as relationship goes, having work-life unbalance has its dues, and lets just say that I am very much like a “long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs” right now. Very careful with what I say or do, as it has reverberated wrongly way too many times the last few days.

Golf? Well, the game in Tasik Putri GCC just went to hell too! Played a 90, albeit with two pars and one birdie. Lost badly, didn’t know these government folks are really into their game. From a relationship building perspective though, I believe we got the job done.

All in all, I really wish I could fast forward time, and move into October perhaps. I foresee September as another crappy long drawn month, though my birthday this month would be a good wake-up call. One year older, but wiser? I don’t know, if I have learned anything at all, throughout my time here on earth, it is to trust your instincts. Our moral compass, no matter how dysfunctional it is, is all we have. That makes you the person you really are, some will like you for it, and others may not, but at least they know what they are getting. A hypocrite may last a hand, but never the whole game. Over time, and believe you me, people have really long memories, your true colors will surface and this is when fair weathered friends and your true mates come to light.

When all is fair, the woes of friendship is forgotten and forgiven, yet remembered when tribulations descend.

Melancholy I may be, but alive I am still.


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