Monday, August 29, 2005

What women want?

I have been thinking.

Now, not that it is a good thing necessarily, but I do it sometimes (“think” that is). This question I have posed to quite a few women, some young, and well… some experienced. To date, I have not been told that I am wrong. At all! So now, that I have enough confidence to write about it, lets hear what you think?

It seems, either I have struck gold, or just reached a conclusion so obvious that no one really has a good argument against it. Let me begin this way, when was the last time you saw a really hot babe walking with a guy that’s… hmmm you know what I mean (In case you don’t then stop reading now! This entry isn’t going anywhere you would appreciate anyway). We all have seen this.

So begins the search.

I am an experimenting kind of fella. I shall try almost anything once. So begins my search for the key. I went down the obvious paths, Money? Love perhaps? Well, if all my relationships, and my friends, and anyone that is insane enough to actually carry a conversation with me were to be of any reference, I finally came to a conclusion.

Have you noticed that when you shower a women with love you end being “too suffocating” or too “sensitive”, and simply not give her enough space? How about Money? Then you are “buying” her love, and are using her as a sex object (which is a compliment in my books, I never figured out why this is an insult!), and she is still unhappy. Too much sex? Then you are a maniac, and again I fail to see the problem. How about a good stable relationship, striking just the right balance between love, and affection? Well? Exactly! You are Boring! Now having gone through the full Monty, you should be able to conclude what is it that women want...

What they DON’T HAVE!

Seriously folks, if I didn’t know any better I wouldn’t believe it myself. Such a conclusion staring me right in the face. It never will be about enough, it never was about quantity! It was about the lack of it. Too rounded and you end up boring, too much of one thing – well you guessed it, you end up an asshole.

So back to my original question, why do hot babes go for the face like it was rear ended by a bus? Because assholes or jerks, or whatever it is that you wanna call it (and I have been called this enough! Thank you girls… I shall have to take it as a compliment) have a natural tendency to give just enough, and take it back just when the women feels secured. Assholes don’t give all the love, they don’t even say it when they mean it, only when they have to!. They give love in measured doses. Same applies to money, gifts, etcetera… If you give too much, then you are too sensitive, too smart, too generous, too easy, too gullible. Get it? Anything that makes it easy, makes it boring and predictable. And for women, this is a sign to get out of the cave and start hunting for a new mate, which may bear a better gene pool different then the one they already possess. It’s biological and natural.

Women? Sorry, just as well as we have an issue keeping our willies where it belongs, nor can you ever be happy with what you have. Good hunting and may we all end up in a little cave somewhere, procreating perhaps?


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